OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR8 Release 63.39

OneCNCXR8 Release 63.39 was released today

In this release:

Drill Hole Wizard Helix strategy
If Conventional direction was selected toolpath was created the same as Climb direction
An unnecessary loop at material top has been removed

Lathe Groove roughing and Groove finishing
Lathe Groove toolpath calculation was adjusted for an unusual case where the combination of small fillet arcs and specific leave for finish values could cause a problem

DWG import
Adjustments were made to dwg import to improve handling of Japanese text

Multiple viewports – view rotate
Rotating the view by dragging middle mouse button was rotating the previously selected view

D offset value not posting in Mill-Turn operations
Post output was changed to allow use of Cutter comp in Mill-Turn operations

Updated Japanese and Korean translations

This OneCNCXR8 release 63.39 is available in the OneCNC update server for all licenced users.


OneCNCXR8 Release 63.38

OneCNCXR8 Release 63.38 was released today

The Layers panel display was adjusted

DWG import
Adjustments were made to dwg import to improve handling of Korean layer names

Mill Multiple parts
A possible crash if 'Subroutines by multiple vices' was used incorrectly
Corrected in this release

Copy and Paste
In some cases if a different layer was selected when pasting, the entity was pasted on the original layer instead
Corrected in this release

This OneCNCXR8 release 63.38 is available in the OneCNC update server for all licenced users.


OneCNCXR8 Release 63.36

OneCNCXR8 Release 63.36 was released today

The layers system was revised to correct behaviour of the Default Layers set in OneCNC Properties
Layer name and colour functions were corrected.

DXF import / export
Adjustments were made to dxf import / export to improve handling of text colours and positions

This OneCNCXR8 release 63.36 is available in the OneCNC update server for all licenced users.